Filling a Vacant Director Position Mid Term Procedure

Filling a Vacant Director Position Mid Term Procedure Shortcuts

Nominating Committee Presentation to the Board of Directors, Discussion, and Decisions
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  1. Nominating Committee Responsibilities.
    1. The Nominating Committee shall publish a notification of the vacancy within five days of the Board of Directors meeting at which the vacant position was accepted. The membership will be notified using methods that ensure all members can be aware of the opportunity to apply for the position. Such methods will include E-Blast, email, and other methods determined by the Nominating Committee.
    2. The final submission date for applications shall be determined by the Nominating Committee but shall not be more than 25 days from the date the vacant Director position was accepted by the board.
    3. The Nominating Committee may also recruit possible qualified candidates from Directors, Committee Chairpersons and other members and encourage submission of applications.
      1. Members who wish to apply must complete the Application for Board of Directors Position form which is available on the GVR Clay Studio of Green Valley website. The application may be completed online or by hand and must be sent via email, regular mail, or given to a member of the Nominating Committee.
      2. The Nominating Committee will review applications and contact all applicants to discuss the requirements for participation on the Board. The Committee members will assess every applicant’s:
        1. level of related experience,
        2. knowledge of the organization’s policies and procedures,
        3. level of commitment to the organization, and
        4. availability.
        5. Additional questions to determine skills and traits applicable to board membership may be asked at that time.

  2. Presentation to the Board of Directors, Discussion, and Decisions.
    1. At a scheduled board meeting, the Nominating Committee will present all applications to the Board with their recommendations for the most qualified candidate(s).
    2. The Board of Directors will discuss the candidate(s) during an executive session of the board meeting. A majority of the board members (5) must agree on the most qualified candidate to be appointed. The President may call for a vote.
    3. During the board meeting, the President shall announce the name of the member appointed, indicating the board approved the appointment.
    4. The President or his/her designee will notify the member selected to fill the vacancy.

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Filling a Vacant Director Position Mid Term - Procedures Rev - 10-31-23.docx

updated: 1/4/2024 - jdo