The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall functioning of the Clay Studio including compliance with State and local laws and GVR rules and regulations. The Board will function in a professional manner by conscientiously and effectively accomplishing their obligations as Board Members. They shall, at all times, avoid conflicts of interest. No two members of the same family unit or household shall serve as voting members on the Clay Studio Board of Directors concurrently.
The duties of the Board are to establish policies that guide the affairs of the Clay Studio including hours of operation, time and place of Board and membership meetings, maintenance, and publication of required records, approve schedules and guidelines for workshops and classes in cooperation with GVR.
The Board shall define such committees as it finds appropriate to facilitate the functioning of the Clay Studio. The Board will approve Committee Policies. The President, with the approval of the Board, will appoint a Committee Chair to each defined Committee.
Members of the Clay Studio are expected to comply with all GVR and Clay Studio policies, rules, and regulations.
The Clay Studio membership is made up of a diverse group of people with a common interest in clay. To ensure an environment in which all members enjoy their time in the studio, this Code of Conduct applies at all times.
Violations of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action by the Board of Directors and possible suspension of rights and privileges. Violations should be reported using the Clay Studio Incident and Complaint Form. The Clay Studio Board will investigate all complaints following the Clay Studio Conflict Resolution Policy and Procedure.
The Clay Studio supports a progressive policy and procedure designed to provide a structured corrective action process to improve and prevent a recurrence of undesirable behavior that violates the Clay Studio’s Code of Conduct policy.
Each Standing Committee will have a stated policy which will be Board approved and a written set of Procedures by which it will operate.
The Education Committee is responsible for planning, scheduling, coordinating, and promoting education opportunities for members.
Members wishing to teach a new GVR sponsored class (a class that has not been previously taught in the Studio) must obtain approval by the Education Committee and the Clay Studio Board. Repeat classes (classes that have been approved and have been taught in the past) do not need approval by the Education Committee nor the Board.
In-house Workshops may be offered by Studio members and will be free of charge to studio members. Workshop leaders may charge a materials fee. New Workshops require Education Committee approval. Workshops that have been previously taught will not require additional Education Committee approval.
The Education Committee has one Subcommittee.
This Subcommittee determines when a prospective member may be exempted from taking the GVR Introduction to the Clay Studio Class based on experience.
The Facility Maintenance and Safety Committee is responsible for keeping the Clay Studio space safe and in good repair so members may pursue their clay hobby. The Committee ensures the equipment is working properly and, through available training, ensures members know how to use it.
The Committee is also responsible for ensuring the Clay Studio follows State, local, and GVR regulations and for assigning physical keys to members. The Committee has two Subcommittees.
This Subcommittee will supervise the use of storage space and shelving in the studio.
This Subcommittee will satisfy their service by doing studio cleaning and maintenance.
The Finance Committee is responsible for managing the finances of the Clay Studio with the goal of preserving the fiscal health of the Clay Studio.
No member shall hold more than one of the following positions: Finance Chair, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Bookkeeper, or Cash Handler.
The Glaze Committee is responsible for maintaining all glaze supplies, testing potential new glazes, approving addition and deletion of specific glazes, and maintaining a data base for Material Safety Data Sheets. (No dry chemicals may be used in the Studio.) The Committee informs membership of new glazes and their properties.
The Kiln Committee is responsible for providing regular firings of members items in a safe, efficient, and responsible manner. The Committee has a Raku Subcommittee.
The Membership Committee is responsible for reporting to the Board on matters of member records, new member applications and renewals, and for keeping the database of member information current. Membership also coordinates Clay Studio access with GVR, for monitors and administration, outside of normal business hours.
The Monitor Committee is responsible for the recruiting, training, and scheduling of Monitors in order to keep the Studio safely open according to the Board approved schedule. This Committee is also responsible for developing written instructions for Monitor procedures, including computer operations and physical changes, such as door locks.
This Committee has one Subcommittee that administers the SignUpGenius (SUG) software program.
The Subcommittee Chair is appointed by the Monitor Chair. This Subcommittee includes at least two members trained in the use and administration of the SUG software program. The Subcommittee ensures that the SUG software program meets the identified needs of the Monitor Committee and coordinates with the Service and Membership Committees as necessary.
This Committee is also responsible for developing written instructions for Monitor procedures, including computer operations and physical changes, such as door locks.
The Newsletter Committee assembles the monthly newsletter which is available on the Clay Studio website.
The Social Events Committee organizes and advertises social events for Clay Studio members.
This subcommittee is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the Exhibit including set-up, reception, and dismantling of exhibit.
The Chair of this Committee acts as the Purchasing Agent and is responsible for purchasing and stocking the necessary Clay Studio supplies and maintaining various inventories. Supplies include but are not limited to glazes, clay, tools, plaster molds, and office supplies.
This Subcommittee monitors clay supplies, keeps clay inventory, and recommends deletion and/or addition of clays.
This Subcommittee monitors tool supplies, keeps tools inventory, and recommends deletion and/or addition of tools.
This Subcommittee monitors the plaster molds, large and small, maintains the inventory, repairs molds if possible, and purchases new molds. This committee recommends deletion and/or addition of plaster molds.
The Information Technology Committee is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of all Clay Studio computers and printers, and the infrastructure necessary for the Board and other committees to perform their functions, including Newsletter publication, Email forwarding, Eblasts, online calendars, and the Web page. The Clay Studio uses an internal Private Network.
The Service Committee is responsible for creating, maintaining, and reviewing the Clay Studio Service Book, ensuring all members perform and record their monthly service to the Clay Studio.
This Bylaws Committee will review Bylaws and Policies annually and recommend changes to the Board President. The Committee works with the Board Secretary to keep the Bylaws and Policies current. The Committee also reviews updated Committee Procedures and forwards them to the Board Secretary.
The Library Committee organizes and maintains the lending library of books, magazines, tapes, and videos.
Changes to the Policy Manual must be approved by the Board of Directors. The procedures manual is updated by the Committee Chairs as needed.
Clay Studio Policy Manual Revised final 01-18-23.docx
updated: 1/18/2024 - jdo